
Finnish EVE wormhole society

What is Avanto?

A Finnish EVE online wormhole corporation. Avanto is part of Hole Control alliance. Our vision is to be a Greatest Finnish eve society Our corporation is a Wormhole Corp and we are a part of Hole Control alliance. Furthermore we arrange and attend Suomi op operations.

We want to bring finns together in eve no matter what you want to do in eve or what corporation you want to spend your time with. All that matters is that eve players are great and specially finns should be friends with each other irl even if there are in game disputes.

Join us!

Come talk to us in our ingame public channel: avanto-public or fill out application in our recruitment tool.

You can also join in our Alliance Discord and come to chat with us.


Check our YouTube channel.

Our old eve videos you can find in our old Youtube channel.